Hey there. If you landed on this page, that means you are in search of a nickname for your dearest one. Don’t worry, we are here at your service to help you search a good nickname, this time for someone named Julie. In this article, you’ll find more than eighty popular nicknames for Julie to choose the perfect nickname for your dear Julie from.
Julie can be the name of your beautiful child, wife, girlfriend, a favorite office colleague, or a dearest friend. You will find the best suiting names for them all. Our 80+ nicknames for Julie will aid you in this.
Moreover, we have given a detailed description against new and uncommon names that will help you pick the right according to your taste or according to the person’s inclination to whom you are giving the name.
Here is the list of some famous people who bear the same name.
- Julie Adam – an American actor
- Julie Bindel – 20th-century British feminism
- Julie Chu – an American ice hockey player
- Julie Christie – an American actress
- Julie Bergan – a Norwegian singer-songwriter
- Julie Dore – British politician
- Julie Bergner – American mathematician
- Julie Dash – an American film director
- Julie Pullin – British tennis player
- Julie Zenatti – French singer and television personality
- Jules Julie – an American football player etcetera.
Look, we have added the meaning and origin of the name Julie. Read on.
Meaning and Origin of Julie
Julie is a female given name and earlier was borne by only a few martyrs and saints. But the name had extensively been popular as a female given name in America over the span of forty years between 1951 and 1991.
The name ranked in the top hundred registered names at that time. Not only in America, but the name has also been popular in counties like Belgium, Denmark, France.
There are so many opinions about the origin and meaning of the name Julie. Most popular among them are that Julie has evolved from the Latin name ‘Julia’, which possibly means beautiful, youthful, soft-haired, and vivacious, and also it came from the old Roman family name ‘Julius’.
Some say it has a Latin root ‘lovilios,’ which itself descended from ‘Jove’, meaning Jupiter, a God in Roman Mythology.
The name Julie had a small appearance in the New Testament and was revived during Renaissance by Shakespeare in his comedy ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’(1590) as a character named Julia.
Now that you have got to know a brief background story of Julie, let’s go to the nicknames sections one by one.
Cute Nicknames for Julie
We have shortlisted few cute nicknames for someone named Julie for you to choose from. You can attribute these cute names to your newborn girl or younger girl siblings. However, these names can be used for anyone. Refer to the list below.
- Lili
- Lee
- Juu
- Jue
- Jo/Zo
- Jui – an Indian way of pronouncing ‘Jue’
- Juhi
- Jola
- Jili
- J
- Jee
- Jaz
- Jul
- Ji
- Joa
- Lia – a Dutch variant and also from the last part of ‘Julia’
- Zoya
- Juliana – female form of Julian which is a distant variant of ‘Julius’
- Jana – Jana means ‘heart’ or someone who is close to heart. This can be a very good nickname for your ‘dearer than your life’ baby girl.
- Ana – was taken from Juliana.
- Una – rhymes with Ana. it is actually a mythological character from ‘Fairy Queene’ by Edmund Spenser.
- Julio – related name
- Jules
- Jewlie
- loveJoe
- Lil J – little Julie who loves to rap.
- Vili – was taken from ‘lovilios’
Funny Nicknames for Julie
Check out the below set of names for a funny Julie nickname.
- Jellybean
- Julie javelin – improvising Charlie Chaplin
- JulieBean
- JulieJam – what will call it if Julie gets stuck in a traffic jam?
- JulieBear
- Julie Poolie
- Juliana Banana
- Jealous – when Julie is zealous
- Bubbly Julie
- Julie Unruly
- Julep
- Lazy Lee
- Juicy Jee
- Jruce Lee – by improvising Bruce Lee.
Good Nicknames for Julie
Finding a good nickname can be a hard task, and even if you manage to find some, it gets even tougher to select that particular one name that will suit your friend.
That’s why we have handpicked some good nicknames for you, and the description attached to them may help you to decide that one best fitting nickname for Julie finally. So, just read on without any further ado.
- Juliette – related name
- Rosie – the word Julie means rose. Why don’t you try a name sounding similar to a rose?
- Juli – alternative spelling
- Yulia/Yulya – in Russian
- Yula – an Assyrian variant
- Juri – a Japanese variant
- Jewelia – a very rare spelling for the word ‘Julia’
- Lius
- Ette
- Juju
- Jules
- July
- Jewels
- Jruce
- Julene – like Jolene
Cool Nicknames for Julie
Kids are not going to like the nickname you have chosen for them if it is not cool. Now you must be thinking of how a name can be cool. Well, we have made this easier too. Select a short, trendy, and apparently cool nickname for your children or sibling or for anyone you know.
- Juju
- Mr J
- Miss J
- Jamie
- Jules
- El
- Lene
- JJ
- Jel
- Ally
- Lisie
- Lilian
- Lios – was taken from ‘lovilios’
- Jenna
- Jes
- Jessie
- Jil
- Jo Jo
Rude Nicknames for Julie
Rude nicknames are sometimes used in informal events to add a touch of humor if people don’t take them too seriously.
The meaning or intensity of the name changes variously depending on the situation and the person on which you are using these names.
These rude nicknames target a person’s personality or physical characteristics. So, be careful in using these names. Here are a few rude Julie nicknames that you have been looking for.
- Fuzzly Julie
- Jorky – Julie + Corky (a person having an unpleasant odor and taste).
- Silly Lilly
- Lil Jil – for a short person
- Dummie Jee
- Jodzilla – Jo + Godzilla
- Rudy Judy
- Dizzy Jassie
- Smartass Jaz
Alright, tell us about your own personal favorite, Julie nickname. If you think we are missing on other important nicknames or have chosen some better nicknames for Julie, don’t hesitate to comment. Your effort will be appreciated, and we will update our list. Thank you for reading till the end, and have a good day.
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