60+ Adorable Nicknames For Julian

Nicknames For Julian

Hey! We heard that you’re looking for some attractive nicknames for your loved one named Julian and we rushed to your rescue. This article mentions a plethora of nicknames that go well with the name Julian. All you need to do is read through the article, right till the end and have a look at the 60+ adorable nicknames that we have in store for you.

But before you hop onto your search and get started, we wanted to tell you how beautiful the name of your loved one is, be it your sibling, your friend, or a colleague from the office. Our comprehensive list of 60+ nicknames will walk you through the best nicknames for your favorite human called Julian.

We’ve also listed some uncommon nicknames that will help you choose one that goes well with your taste and with the person who will eventually be given this nickname.

Surprisingly, there are a number of celebrities who adorn this name pretty well. If you’re already wondering who they are, here’s a list of a few.

  • Julian Assange – Founder of WikiLeaks, he is an Australian publisher, editor, and activist.
  • Julian Casablancas – The lead singer of the famous American rock bands The Voidz and The Strokes, he is a songwriter, musician, singer, and record producer.
  • Julian Huxley – He was an English evolutionary biologist, internationalist, and eugenicist.
  • Julian Sands – Famous for his roles in movies like The Killing Fields, he is an English actor.
  • Julian Richings – A Canadian actor with English roots, he has worked in over 20 television series and 50 films.
  • Julian Draxler – He is a professional German footballer.
  • Julian Doyle – He is a British filmmaker.
  • Julian Schwinger – An American theoretical physicist who won a Nobel Prize.
  • Julian Barnes – A renowned writer, his book The Sense of an Ending won the Man Booker Prize in 2011.
  • Julian Morrow – He is an Australian television producer and comedian.

Now that we have a fair idea of the famous people with the name Julian, let’s have a look at the meaning of this word and its roots – where it came from.


Popular Nicknames for the name ‘Julian’

Usually, popular nicknames are derived from the base word, that is the name itself, and are considered to be the most appropriate substitute for the original name.

We know for a fact that popular nicknames catch the attention of people the most. You can use any of the below suggested popular nicknames for your loved one and we assure you that they will like it!

  1. Juli – A simple short form of ‘Julian’.
  2. Ian – It means ‘God is gracious and can be an excellent replacement for the original name.
  3. Jul – First three letters of any name make for the best nickname.
  4. Jan – This nickname with a dutch origin is super fancy for anybody named ‘Julian’.
  5. Lian – This name that means “waterfall; lotus” has a history of being a nickname for all Julians.
  6. Geo – You can use this nickname for a person that loves Geology or Geography or even Earth!
  7. Lio/ Leo – Is your loved one born in the month of August? Leo is the name for them!
  8. Giulio – An Italian name, you can use this nickname for that special someone.
  9. J/ Jay/ JayJay – The best way to name your friend, partner, or kid is to play with the first letter. And what can be cooler than Jay?
  10. Jill – Do you remember the poem – “Jack and Jill went up the hill”? Yes, this nickname is very much derived from that!
  11. Jully – Adding -ly to a short version of any name is the best nickname you could give your loved one.
  12. Julen – A perfect combination of the first few and the last few letters.
  13. Juju – If you’re looking for a cuter version of the name ‘Julian’, this should be your go-to nickname.
  14. Jude – From Greek origin, this nickname means praised and you sure do consider your loved one in high regards, don’t you?
  15. Judy – Adorned by Monica Geller’s mom in Friends, what could be a better way to call your friend old?
  16. Julito – With Ancient Greek origins, this sure can be a fun way to call your friend.
  17. Julio – A catchy nickname for anybody who likes playing with the original name.


Cute Nicknames for the name ‘Julian’

We next will shed light on some cute nicknames for Julian. They fit well with a person who has an adorable personality and is super sweet at heart.

  1. Jolly Jully – If your loved one lights up the place with their presence, this must be your go-to nickname.
  2. Juls – A super cute way of calling your partner, friend, sibling, colleague, or kid.
  3. Jule – Is your loved one born in June? We’ll instead call them Jule!
  4. Ju – The first two letters always make for the best nickname! Don’t you agree?
  5. JuJuBug – Who said wordplay is a child’s play? Use this cute nickname for the one you’d like to annoy.
  6. Julyan – If you know somebody born in the month of July, this nickname is perfect for them.


Funny Nicknames for the name ‘Julian’

There may be instances where you are looking at naming your favorite person but are also consequently looking at names that do well in the category of ‘humor’. If that’s the case, have a look at the funny nicknames for Julian below.

  1. Julibean – What is Julian who loves beans called? You guessed it right!
  2. Liano – Improvising Piano
  3. Bubblian – Is your Julian bubbly? Let’s call them Bubbling!
  4. Julicleon – Derived from the word nucleon
  5. Juliwon/ Julione – What do you say when Julian wins?
  6. Jruly – When Julian wants to replace Truly in “Yours Truly”
  7. Julean – When Julian gets inspired by the legend – Hercules
  8. Julicooly – When Julian is way too cool
  9. Jubean – When your friend gets inspired by the Indian singer “Jubin”
  10. Jubee – Let’s see what a mix of Julian and bee would give us. Hmm!
  11. Lillju – You can use this nickname if you like a little wordplay!
  12. Junkee /Junky/ Junk – This might piss your loved one off the first time. But don’t worry, they will get used to it!
  13. Jouble – What do we call a Julian that likes inviting trouble?
  14. Julius – From the famous Shakespearean play – Julius Ceaser


Cool Nicknames for the name ‘Julian’

Let us now move on to our next section where we will unravel cool nicknames for your loved one named Julian.

  1. Lain – Rephrasing the word ‘Lion’
  2. Liano – Literally meaning “of the family of Julii”, this is a super cool and funky nickname.
  3. Lyan – A wordplay of sorts, this option goes well with the name Julian.
  4. Lianus – Rhyming with the lioness, this nickname is cool for anybody who is as ferocious as that animal!
  5. Juliano – Adding a simple ‘o’ in the end is at times the coolest option!
  6. Emperor – Considering the Roman emperor – Julian
  7. Juny/ Juni/ Junie – What do we call a baby born in June, again?


Unique Nicknames for the name ‘Julian’

For our final section, we have come up with nicknames for Julian that are unique and you wouldn’t have heard them before! More often than not, the nicknames that we use for our loved ones are unique and define their personality well. Here are a few such special nicknames that you can use.

  1. Jilly – Rhyming with the flower Lily, you can use this nickname for Julian.
  2. Jewel – Is your loved one really precious to you? Go for this.
  3. Jilo – Having a little fun with the name Julian didn’t harm anybody!
  4. Jin – Can be used for a person who loved the drink – Gin
  5. Jo/ Joe – Can fit well for a person who loves coffee
  6. Joy – If your friend, partner, or colleague spreads happiness with their presence, this is the best nickname.
  7. Junior – This nickname fits well with a kid.
  8. Juno – Use this nickname to tease a boy! After all, Juno is a girl’s name.
  9. Juza – Again, a female name, this can be your go-to nickname if you’re willing to annoy your loved one.
  10. Jujube – You can use this nickname for Julian if they’re as sweet as this berry-like fruit that treats coughs.
  11. Jaz – If your friend mostly stays confused, nickname them Jaz which literally means ‘unclear’.
  12. Jell – What rhymes with a bell but does not ring?
  13. Jelly – Does Julian like Jelly a lot? Why not call them Jelly?
  14. Jerry – If Julian is as naughty as Jerry from Tom and Jerry, this is the perfect nickname for them.
  15. Julin – Rhyming with violin, use this for your friend who loves music!
  16. Juke – What rhymes with puke but is funnier?
  17. Jio – An Indian word which means ‘Live’, you can call your lively loved one Jio!
  18. Lin – The easiest short form of the name ‘Julian’.


With this, we have come to an end to our list of nicknames for the name ‘Julian’.


Honestly, we have tried to add as many nicknames for Julian as we could find in our research. But if you think you have something super awesome in mind and we haven’t covered that, please let us know in the comments below. We will make sure that it gets added to our list of nicknames for Julian.

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