People might be wondering why ‘Harper’ sounds so melodious. Well, it is because of the musical instrument ‘Harp’ that accounts for the origin of this name.
As noticed, the name was used to denote the occupation of a person who plays the harp. It has English, Scottish, and Irish origins, and just like in movies, the harper was known to be the most important figure of a medieval baronial hall. Such importance was specially given in Scotland and Northern England where the office of the harper was sometimes hereditary.
The very famous author Harper Lee, who is the author of the book To Kill a Mockingbird, especially accounts for the popularity of this name. A popular choice amongst parents, girl babies are given this name, and this trend began in the mid-2000s and was at its peak in 2015.
Following the Ancestry
As it is an occupational name, Harper was initially used as a surname by those who were skilled in playing the harp. The surname was widely used in Ireland, and the Harper family name was found elsewhere in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920.
Usage of the Name Over Time
According to 2018 Social Security Administration Data, Harper is the 9th most popular girls’ name in the United States.
Back in the 1800s and early 1900s, this name was given to boys but then it disappeared for like a century and again made its appearance in the mid-2000s, but this time it became an extremely popular name for girls.
With widely known authors and characters in trending TV Shows and Movies, Harper made its way to the list of Top 10 most popular names. It hasn’t gone down since.
As this name sounds melodious and adorable at the same time, one should not face a hard time finding nicknames for their friend Harper! We have listed 50+ adorable nicknames for Harper below which you can look at and choose from according to your friend’s personality!
Common Nicknames for Harper
We heard you and now we are going to present you with a list of nicknames that are as popular and lovely as your friend. You can take a look at the names in the list below:
- Harp – Just like the various strings of a harp give out a different sound, this nickname would define the different melodies of your friend.
- Harlee – The famous author can never be forgotten, so why not use the name somehow?
- Harlen – It has a context that is historical, matches with someone who shows courage.
- Hart – Heart? No, we prefer Hart.
- Harpo – Just Har with a po, and you’ve got a nickname that many have used before.
- Harmony – The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect, yes, we quoted the meaning because it sounds lovely.
- Harpie – For the pie of a Harper that your friend is.
- Harps – Got a fashionista friend fond of kitten heels? She might get used to this nickname too.
- H – Initials work wonders at times, and we completely support such wonders.
- Melody – For those with amazing vocal cords, they would soon shine like a star in the music group with this nickname.
Cute Nicknames for Harper
Every Harper comes within a package that has cuteness in all big quantities, and they’re not shy of such a tag. Just like the trait, we have some cute nicknames which would make your friend totally adorable:
- Carpy: She’s sweet, she’s sassy. Don’t have a nickname? Call her Carpy.
- Harpsie – If she’s as cute as this nickname, you know you’ve got the perfect adorable package.
- Har – Give your short friend’s name a cut, and the product would still make her the cutest in the crowd.
- Harpieee – Adding extra Es never hurts anyone, it actually makes words more usable when it comes to naming your pals.
- Harpadoodle – Got a friend who’s an artist and loves to doodle? Tell her to sign all her work in the name of Harpadoodle.
- Happer – Just like the rapper inside your friend.
- Hap – Again, a cut sounds musical and brings out the cutie in the crowd.
- Harpfur – And you’ve got yourself a bear? How odd, but still, the name that bears Harpfur.
- Harplay – For that friend who’s good with musical instruments.
- Harry – You must be a Harry Potter fan to give your friend Harper such a nickname because wizards do things their own way.
- Hershey – Chocolate or strawberry, doesn’t matter. If you’ve got Hershey by your side, you’d never run out of puddings.
Funny Nicknames for Harper
While names have meanings behind them, it’s okay to think of something funny just to have it as a tag. We have made a list of funny nicknames for Harper, take a look and think about choosing one for your friend to mock them on every occasion:
- Baby Spice – Victoria Beckham must have thought about this nickname before giving it to her own daughter, so we feel you should give it a try too.
- Birdie – Oh, this word looks hilarious, sounds hilarious, and is actually hilarious. Don’t stop yourself now! Birdie would sound funny on your friend Harper.
- Har har – We’re going to cut down, and we’re going to repeat. What else are we going to do? We’ll give you this nickname and you can look at it, you can think, and eventually, you can call your friend by this name. Phew!
- Lee – Is there actually a connection between Harper and Lee? We think there is, now you need to find out the same.
- McHarp – McDonald’s just added a new burger to their menu and it’s yummy.
- Harlol – Har Laughing Out Loud.
- Flarper – We thought of spicing it up but instead we gave wings to the name. Oops.
- Harpischord – Phoebe doesn’t know real chord names, but if your F.R.I.E.N.D.S. think this name suits your friend Harper, you should give in the vote too.
- Harpster – For your pal with a Hamster.
- Harpdog – She gets angry very soon but is also a sweet little pie? Harpdog sounds perfect.
Unique Nicknames for Harper
Even though it’s a popular name, the personalities that have been recognized by Harper have a sense of uniqueness. You can differentiate them from the crowd because they stand out.
We have some unique nicknames for someone who goes by the name ‘Harper’, check them out:
- Hurricane Harper – It’s awesome how you’re naming a hurricane after your friend because that happens rarely.
- Ophir – It sounds similar to Harper, and means ‘gold’.
- Navilai – In Hebrew, this word is used for someone who plays the harp.
- Harley – Big fan of the bike, and crazy enough to chase their dreams? This nickname fits in perfectly for such people.
- Harpfer – It’s Harper, but just like other things have variants, this nickname is German.
- Harpur – Difference in spelling, and probably traceable enough to read about Harper’s ancestry.
- Harpal – For a pal who’s always there by you and is a good listener. You feel good when they’re around, now make them feel good with this nickname.
- Hub – Bub? Bring in a little twist and use Hub instead.
- Harpaz – We’ve thought of this nickname with a little bit of philosophy in mind.
Cool Nicknames for Harper
And since we’re not going to leave anything out here, we’ve come up with a number of cool nicknames for your pal. We work to impress, and you can check our work below:
- HH – Repetitive letters that are also initials? Sounds cool.
- Harpex – Combine Harper and Apex, and you’ve got a nickname for your friend who aims for the top.
- Harpbug – For cuddly companions.
- Harpong – Ping-pong? No. Harpong is in the house!
- Harptingale – If there’s a melodious nightingale in the group, she has to be nicknamed Harptingale.
- Harpuddle – We thought of mixing words, and now we have this.
- Hay-ha – Greet your pal Harper like this and she’ll always expect this to happen with a smile on her face.
- Happles – Happy Happy Harper.
- Harpaw – For your friend who’s so much into paws that it gets tough to throw them out of Friendicoes.
- Harleap – We have just the nickname for your friend who’s always jumping all around the place for no apparent reason.
- Just Harp – Movie buffs, go for it.
Conclusion: Nicknames for Harper
We have given you a list of nicknames and now it’s your turn to choose that one name which will fit in with your friend’s personality traits. There are more than 50 names, so don’t hesitate on putting in a lot of time just to choose the right one.
Traceback and learn, choose to impress. If you have any more suggestions, do let us know! We’ll be happy to add more to the list.