70+ Nicknames for Adam (Cute, Funny and Unique)

Nicknames for Adam

Are you going through a lot of brainstorming to come up with a suitable nickname for someone who is named after the ‘first human being on the Earth’, our ancestor, Adam?

We understand the problem you are facing in creating a nickname. It can be very difficult to come up with a nickname for Adam, a four-lettered name, whereas nicknames are supposed to be made up of a few letters only.

Along with that, a simple nickname doesn’t really do well in the 21st century, it should be catchy, cool, attractive, creative at the same time. To help you with all that we have put together a 70+ nicknames collection for you to choose from.

Before selecting the best fitting name for your dearest one, know about the origin and meaning of the name Adam.


Meaning and Origin of the Name Adam

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, Adam was the name attributed to the first human being on the Earth according to the creation myth of Abrahamic religion. In the Hebrew Bible, he was a character in the Book of Genesis and was adopted into the Christian faith and the Quran. He is called ‘The First Man’.

In Genesis, Adam and his wife, Eve, were banished from the Garden of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit of the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’. The Bible uses the word ‘adam’ as a pronoun to refer to as ‘a human’ individually and as ‘mankind’ collectively.

The word Adam was created from the Hebrew word ‘adamah’ meaning earth. According to the Old Testament, Adam was made by God from the earth, and Eve was created from the ribs of Adam.

It was Adam and Eve living happily in the Garden of Eden until they disobeyed God and eventually were banished from heaven to the earth where they created the second generation of the human race, including their children Seth, Cain, Azura, Awan, and Abel. In Arabic ‘adam’ translates to ‘made from’.

Adam was quite popular since the middle ages and no doubt it gained its popularity for its biblical significance.

However, there are some other famous people who bear the same name or changed into ‘Adam’ such as William West Anderson, known professionally as Adam West was famous American actor; Adam Richard Sandler or Adam Sandler is comedian and songwriter; Adam David Lallana is an English football player; Adam Smith was a Scottish economist etcetera.

Go through our lists of Adam nicknames


Cute Nicknames for Adam

Adam is already a very cute name. For more ideas about cute nicknames for Adam refer to these nicknames.

  1. Adao – with a Portuguese touch
  2. Adas – in the Hmong language
  3. Aden – Somali
  4. Adi – a Yiddish way
  5. Odam – in Uzbek
  6. Ads
  7. Adi
  8. Addy
  9. AD
  10. Dam
  11. Dee
  12. Adamo – an Italian way for Adam
  13. Aaam
  14. Adao
  15. Addle
  16. Azza – common in Australia.
  17. Udon


Funny Nicknames for Adam

Looking for funny nicknames? Here are some fun-poking nicknames that you can use from time to time.

  1. Odomos – Odomos is a mosquito repellent cream brand. If the person knows about this brand then he is not gonna keep calm if you call him by this name.
  2. Oldie Addy – Adam was our first forefather and we all are the descendants of him according to the Bible. So according to this story, every Adam should be treated as a grandpa.
  3. Great Grand Adam
  4. Adom Bomb – from ‘atom-bomb’
  5. Adam-Ant
  6. A-Dumb – Adam is A Dumb
  7. Addle Paddle
  8. Adama Bin Laden – improvising the name of Osama Bin Laden
  9. Adamantium – if he is not paying any attention
  10. Aram – a vegetable
  11. A-Damn
  12. Add-Ham
  13. AddMan


Best Nicknames for Adam

Tired of hearing all those common nicknames for Adam? Why don’t you try our collections of best nicknames for Adam? We are sure you are going to like them. Have a look.

  1. Able – this is the name of Adam and Eve’s son. It means willing, competent, and capable.
  2. Abner – a biblical name mentioned in the Old Testament which means ‘father of light’
  3. Mada – by reversing the letters
  4. Addie
  5. Adamox
  6. Adem
  7. Adamy
  8. Damie
  9. Dud
  10. Adan
  11. Dimo
  12. Adla
  13. A
  14. Adman
  15. Daem


Cool Nicknames for Adam

Check out these cool nicknames to select one for you or your friend or maybe for your newborn.

  1. Dimo
  2. Adz
  3. Azzu – improvised common Australian ‘Azza’
  4. Damah – from ‘Adamah’
  5. Adamox
  6. Mr. A
  7. Didou
  8. Ace
  9. AJ
  10. Dem
  11. Dan
  12. Eddy
  13. Da
  14. Adams – just a cool way of calling Adam


Cute Boyfriend Nicknames for Adam

Have a boyfriend named Adam and now looking for a name to give him? These are going to help you.

  1. Dede
  2. Addy Baby
  3. Addy Daddy
  4. Baby Dee
  5. Beau-Ads – in French ‘beau’ means ‘boyfriend’
  6. Bello-Eddie – in Italian ‘Bello’ means good looking males. Use it if you want to give a compliment to your boyfriend.
  7. Cutie
  8. Choco-A – cute nickname made by combining chocolate and A
  9. Eddy – Eddy is already a nickname for Adam. But the plus point is this cue sounding word is also the short form of ‘edible’


Baby Nicknames for Adam

There is a newborn in the house and you are thinking what could be the nickname of this beautiful soul? We have created a few nicknames by combining some words used to describe a baby and the nicknames for Adam. We hope you will like it.

  1. Baby Ad
  2. Adoo
  3. Lil A
  4. Adie Pie
  5. Adkins – Add+ Kin
  6. Add
  7. EddieBoo – Eddie + Boo


If you have finished reading and thinking something is missing in the list or if you have any better suggestions that you think we should add to our list, please feel free to suggest to us. Comment down below your suggestion and we will update our article. Thank you.


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2 Comments on “70+ Nicknames for Adam (Cute, Funny and Unique)”

  1. Zach Galifianakis is a common nickname for Adam I’ve heard. Have you guys seen the 2009 cult classic G-Force, starring our beloved EddieBoo

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