If there is one game that intrigued the interests of nearly every teenager back in the day, then it has to be dodgeball. But, who’s to say that the grown-ups cannot play anymore?
Today, a plethora of universities are conducting dodgeball tournaments around the world, and for some groups of friends, it is their favorite weekend activity to indulge in after a hectic week. This makes it super important to find an ingenious team name that does justice to the game.
After all, the title you choose for your team is the first thing that comes to others’ notice and is also the one that your well-wishers shout back from the stands when they root for you! In fact, it is even printed on jerseys, dispersed on social media, and for the players out there, even engraved on your identity! In essence, your team name is, more than anything else, the first attribute people identify you with.
Choosing the ideal dodgeball team name is not only sure to offer a boost to your teams’ morale, but will also get you brownie points for adding a flair of creativity, wit, and humor to the game!
However, boatloads of clashing ideas, the most conventional titles already taken, and various other exhausting problems often spring up when you plan on picking a name that best describes you and your crew.
Luckily, with our article, it really does not have to be that way anymore. The truth is, out there somewhere, the most perfect name is waiting for you to find it!
Now that you have stumbled upon the greatest compilation of dodgeball names across the web, you don’t have to skimp out on getting the best one for your team.
Whether you are searching for a funny, clever, adorable, or kickass one, our round-up of over 80 recommendations is sure to leave you up and running!
Awesome Dodgeball Team Names
By its very nature, dodgeball is a game that has been curated for its players to enjoy and have a whole lot of fun. This is probably why the name you pick for your team should be nothing short of awesome and make everyone around you go “Woah!”
Scroll through some of the most mind-blowing dodgeball team name options that we have in store for you, and find one of them to your liking:
- The Curve Ballers – For a team of players who are a pro at getting the ball to score anytime, anywhere.
- The Survivors’ Society – Now matter how deadly the match is, this team always masters the craft of winning.
- Mean Machine – For a group of players who do not hesitate to bring out their mean streak.
- Balls Out Of Nowhere – Because with a team like yours, they won’t even know what hit them!
- Hit It, Don’t Quit It – A subtle message to your opponents, especially if they act like sore losers.
- Hitmen – A team name that is meant for a gang that never misses a hit.
- Where’s The Competition? – In case you think no other team is good enough to play a match with you!
- Let’s Get Hit – This team name is culled by seeking inspiration from the classic phrase, “Let’s get LIT!”
- The Dodgers – Simplistic yet straight to the point, this title is made for a team that effortlessly dodges anything.
- The Wolfpack – For a team of friends who play on the grounds of unity, teamwork, and determination.
- Game Changers – We love this name for a group of heroes who undoubtedly stir up the game of dodgeball.
- The Imperials – A royal team name for a gang that deserves to be treated like royalty.
- Smacker Wackers – Don’t even think of provoking these athletes, for they can get pretty aggressive if need be.
Funny Christmas Team Names
Ever wondered what beats any regular team name for your gang? Well, it has to be a funny one!
Choosing a hilarious title always guarantees a lot of laughter, delight, and fun, and when you know you are cracking everyone around, then half the battle is already won! Isn’t it?
Below, we have curated a list of some of the most chuckle-worthy dodgeball team name suggestions that we bet you will thoroughly enjoy reading and picking from, so take a look:
- Much Ado About Balls – A comical team name that is inspired by the Shakespearean play, Much Ado About Nothing.
- Knuckleheads On The Field – When you are so unpredictable, anything can happen during the match.
- Balls Royce – This punny team name is taken from Rolls Royce, a motor car, for all the automobile enthusiasts out there.
- Ballstosterone – When all you need to do to win the match is just man up!
- Bleeding Balls – We never knew balls could hurt that much!
- Oddballs – These are not your conventional players, so you never know with them.
- Las Vegas Police Department – This is a hysterical reference to the team that was shown in the movie Dodgeball.
- Old Dodgers – It’s tough to beat your daddies in the game.
- Abusement Park – Because it is pretty obvious, the game can get a lot more abuse-y!
- Blood, Sweat, Balls, Beer – A witty dodgeball team name that perfectly sums up the four most important things in life.
- Paint It Red – This is exactly how sore their skin will feel once you are done hitting the shit out of them.
- The Breakers – Once you get in the game, their faces are sure to look different.
- Dip And Dive – Probably a workable technique if you are really keen on winning.
- The Underdodges – We absolutely love this funny wordplay on the phrase “underdogs.”
Cool Dodgeball Team Names
Looking for a ridiculously sick dodgeball team name that gets everyone buzzing about how cool it is?
Well, you are sure to find your favorite with some of our most sought-after recommendations listed below for you.
Have a look:
- Wrecking Ball – All the Miley Cyrus fans, where are you at?
- The Ninja Hurlers – This marvelous team name is the perfect fit for a bunch of deadly assassins who are always at the best of their game.
- The Dragon Ball Zs – We had to include a wordplay on the coolest animated series in the whole wide world!
- Dream Killer – When you literally shatter all their dreams to win the match.
- Dodging Bullets – When the way to dodge their balls is so seamless that it almost appears as if they’re bullets.
- Ball Surfers – You’ll surf your way to victory, and all they’ll do is keep watching.
- Balls To Blood – A fitting name for a group that puts their blood, sweat, and tears to win the game.
- You Really Miss Me! – An outstanding way to throw a jibe at your opponent team!
- The Flyballers – When this team comes into play, all we see are balls piercing through the air like a jet.
- The Rampage Rangos – Because their aggression is their best friend throughout the game.
- The Untouchables – A classic option inspired by a movie titled by the same name, especially considering this is the entire point of the game!
- The Avengers – When each player has their own superpower to leave their opponents bowled over.
- The Dodgebulls – Hands down the most difficult team to beat.
Kickass Dodgeball Team Names
Believe us when we say this, the only downside to getting a kickass name for your dodgeball team is the amount of legwork and mental strength that go into curating one.
But don’t worry, because we are about to make your job a lot easier with our most badass dodgeball team name recommendations to choose from.
Scroll through our round-up and get going in no time:
- The Sadists – After all, the game is all about causing a little bit of pain!
- Slum Dodge Millionaires – This classic team name is taken from the movie, Slumdog Millionaires.
- The Rack Attack – When you play so fiercely, the other team can’t fathom what just hit them.
- Femme Fatales – Beware of this all-girl gang. They’re pretty deadly when they are armed with balls.
- The Blazing Babes – For a group of girls who literally shine their way through victory.
- Hurl And Whirl – A fiery dodgeball team name that is meant for a gang that throws the ball like real athletes.
- We Dodge Better – You sure do!
- Mars – Exactly where men come from!
- We Score, We Roar – For a gang of mighty players who take pride in their victory.
- Lethal Bounce – We absolutely love this spunky team name for a group of players with deadly throwing abilities.
- Love At First Dodge – Indeed a fitting name for the team that is undoubtedly a compulsive dodgeball enthusiast.
- You Know You Wanna Score – But the truth is, you really can’t.
- Testosterone Express – Because the testosterone is bound to kick in when it is time to propel the ball.
Dirty/Inappropriate Dodgeball Team Names
Every match of dodgeball feels incomplete without some dirty jokes. And, if you are in search of a name that’s appropriately inappropriate, then brace yourselves!
You are about to hit the sweetest spot with our list of the naughtiest dodgeball team names to pick from.
Here are the options:
- Dodgy Style – Undoubtedly the best style in the game, and oh, otherwise.
- The Dirty Ballers – Because ain’t nobody following the rules when you got ‘em balls.
- Crotch Shots – A gentle reminder to let your opponents know where you are aiming the ball.
- 2 Balls, 1 Cup – You sure don’t want to Google this one.
- Not In The Balls – Well, we all know how much it would hurt!
- Bad Intentions – Pick this feisty team name in case you are willing to play dirty.
- The Dirty Divas – For a bunch of friends who just cannot contain their naughtiness.
- Blue Balls – Truth be told, that would put you in a miserable spot during the match.
- You’ll Get Our Balls – We love that this team name has multiple (dirty) interpretations!
- Mother Duckers – Indeed a comical team name that’s based on a rather dirty word.
- DodgeHub – For all the freaks out there. You know who you are!
Clever Dodgeball Team Names
Another sure-shot way of stealing the show during the game is to come up with a clever team name that speaks volumes about your intellectual capabilities.
It is not only a complete mood changer but can also turn out to be a conversation starter with the people you are surrounded by.
And don’t worry if they are utter eggheads, because our recommendations are easily comprehensible by all! Simply put, a witty team title comes in really handy when you are aiming to generate a laugh or two! With an impressive name that kills multiple birds with one stone, what more could you want?
So, let us dive straight into our best-loved team names for your gang:
- Duckin’ Donuts – A clever wordplay on the Dunkin’ Donuts franchise.
- Dodge For Your Life – This is what you will probably be telling your opponents once it is your turn to aim.
- Dodgezilla – You’ll know which movie it is inspired by if you happen to be a movie fanatic.
- Ballzinga – Imagine Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory playing dodgeball, and you’ll know.
- Ball Of Duty – This is an appropriate team name for a group of boys who are obsessed with two things, dodgeball and Call of Duty.
- Throw-Bo-Cops – Inspired by the popular 1987 science fiction movie, Robocop.
- Balls Of Steel – In case they actually hit your opponents, they can cause a lot of damage.
- Game Of Throws – This Game of Thrones-inspired team name certainly describes how dodgeball is played, doesn’t it?
- The Ball Of Fame – Yet another witty team name that is culled by the phrase, “Hall of fame.” After all, your ball is what will lead you to glory!
- Making Dodgeball Great Again – An excellent team name that runs on the same epigram as that of Trump, “Make America great again!”
- Dodging Chicas – We love this team name for an all-girls gang that can dodge just about anything.
Nerdy Dodgeball Team Names
The word “nerd” has been around for quite a few decades now. However, the difference between the present-day and the early 1950s is that it is no longer used as a derogatory remark used for the “uncool” kids in every school corridor.
Rather, its meaning has been given a fairly positive connotation, saved for people who are extremely passionate about a specific area of interest, be it movies, history, science, or in this case; dodgeball!
If you are someone who proudly falls into this category, and looking for an unbelievably superior team title that adds fun to your sport, then scroll through some of the best nerdy names that are sure to make your crew stand out:
- The Smart Squad – A geeky name for a bunch of self-acclaimed smart people who know all the ins and outs of dodgeball.
- Picked Last – Because in some cases, that’s exactly how to see ‘em nerds being treated.
- To Balls And Beyond – Pick this name in case you and your team’s love for this sport are beyond finite.
- Team Know It All – Well, that’s exactly who you are!
- Beauty With Balls – For a gang of attractive girls who are adept at throwing the balls.
- The Ingenious Ones – Beware of them, because they will always keep curating creative ideas to beat you.
- Peak Performers – Be it life, studies, dodgeball, anything.
- Oddballs – Not your regular bunch of people.
- The Nerd Club – This is what nerds do when they are cornered. They form a union by themselves and come back even stronger!
- The Nerd Herd – For a team of nerdy players who are on a mission to win the match.
Have You Found The One Yet?
As important as it is, we understand that finding the perfect dodgeball team name can pretty much be a drag. However, like Meghan Trainor once said, there really is “No Excuse” for not choosing a genius dodgeball team name that will set your team apart from the others!
This was all about over 80 creative title suggestions for you to pick from. Now that we have scoured boatloads of team name options, all you have to do is choose one that best resonates with your crew. Or, if you are feeling inspired, then you can always hone your creative instincts to come up with your own personalized team name!
In case you are looking for more ideas, then a great way to curate a name would be through the place where your teammates hail from. For example, if you all belong to Alabama, then you can go with a catchy title like “Sweet Balls From Alabama,” and so on.
Moreover, since finding a good team is also about building team spirit, you can even seek inspiration from your team members’ common interests, like your favorite books, movies, or cuisine. Just add some dodgeball-y phrases like “baller,” “dodge ‘em,” or “the ball’s out,” in the end, and you are good to go!
Once you have set your heart at the ideal name, it is finally time to send it to your gang for deliberation and improvisation, if need be.
Ultimately, it all boils down to deciding on a title that you and your team will treasure for a long time to come. You’ll do great!
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