80+ Funny Christmas Team Names

Christmas Team Names

Christmas is still two months away from now, and yet, the spirit of the holiday season has already begun casting its shadow on us! And, if you are anything like us, then you must have already started planning for all the fun games and activities that you and your loved ones are going to indulge in this year.

Whether you are the host of the celebration or the enthusiastic visitor of your group, you definitely need an appropriate team name that screams Christmas, and leaves everyone amazed with your creativity!

After all, a unique and well-brainstormed title never fails to add extra charm to any party. In fact, it can even be exactly what you need to place a pretty bow on your Christmas preparation!

So, if you are looking for some inspiration, we can assure you that our round-up of over 80 adorable Christmas team names is going to blow your mind!

Each of our recommendations comes with a quirky description to help you pick the best one from the lot. Also, we have taken the liberty to segregate the options into different categories, so that you can conveniently head straight to the one that catches your eye!

Without any further ado, let us take you right through some of the greatest Christmas team name suggestions for you and your gang.


Cute Christmas Team Names

Christmas is all about expressing love and affection towards the ones who mean the world to you. This air of emotion and warmth calls for choosing a cute Christmas team name that makes everyone go “Aww!,” and get you brownie points (after you win the game)!

Below, we have listed some of the most adorable team title ideas for you to pick from, so brace yourselves:

  1. The Angels – A team name that’s meant for an affectionate group of people who look out for one another.
  2. Reindeer Roadies – Quite a quirky option for a gang of friends who are always packed with power.
  3. The Folks – After all, your connection with your friends and families goes way back!
  4. Jesus Says Hello – This is a sweet-sounding team name for a bunch of people who take their Catholic faith pretty seriously.
  5. Beautiful Blizzards – Go for this team title if you happen to be a group of beautiful girlfriends, there to have a good time!
  6. Hippie Girls – Because Christmas is all about entertainment and fun, isn’t it?
  7. Sparkling Snowflakes – A super cute team name to pick if you and your friends happen to sparkle wherever you go!
  8. The Quizzards – When you already know that no one can beat you in the Christmas trivia.
  9. Sugar Plum Angels – Well, the festive season is all about decadent plum cakes!
  10. The Wise Women – This is a wordplay on The Three Wise Men.


Funny Christmas Team Names

There are three things any Christmas enthusiast cannot get enough of, and that is playing charades, opening presents, and overdosing on fits of laughter with friends and family!

One of our all-time favorite funny Christmas team names listed below might just be the ticket for you, so take a look:

  1. The Jingle Balls – A team name for a gutsy gang.
  2. Sugar Cookies – Quite an inappropriate and dirty Christmas team name if you come to think of it.
  3. Booze First – Well, some people are all about booze. After all, that’s the spirit of Christmas!
  4. Happy Feet – Certainly a chuckle-worthy name for a team that intends to participate in a dancing competition.
  5. Flying Santas – After 2844348 pints of beer, that is all you are going to see.
  6. Jingles All The Way – Exactly how merry you and your gang will feel once you are done winning the game!
  7. Christmas Pranksters – A feel-good team name that serves as a warning to your friends!
  8. Ho Ho Hoes – Inappropriate alert! Use this team name at your own risk!
  9. Naughty Elves – Pick this comical team name in case there is always something mischievous running in your mind.
  10. Christmas Chaos – With great fun on Christmas, comes a ridiculous degree of chaos!
  11. Here For Beer – For a team that has their priorities clear since Day 1.
  12. Screaming Santas – A team so determined, it’s better if you get out of their way.


Rude Christmas Team Name

Caution: Not everyone can pull off a rude Christmas team name, but if you are a true daredevil and love to dance to your own tune, then nothing better than getting yourself one this festive season!

Scroll through some of the rudest and probably the freakiest team names we have in store for you:

  1. Hoe Hooters – You know who you are!
  2. A-Rated Excitement – When the night is about to get a lot dirtier!
  3. Spanksters – Let them beware, for you are all set to spank those sore losers!
  4. Stinky Stockings – Quite an offensive team name that you can use to call your competitors out, if not your own group.
  5. Extra SANTAmental – For someone who is clearly emotionally unstable this Christmas, and oh, last Christmas too. And the one before that.
  6. Worse Than Katy Perry – When you are such a terrible singer that you have to announce it out loud so that your friends don’t forcibly hand you the mic on the karaoke night.
  7. Blue Ballers – They clearly don’t want to mess with you and your gang.


Creative Christmas Team Names

While some people are just born with it, sadly, it is a tough grind for others to simply fit in. If you happen to be among the latter, then it is finally time for you to be the talk of the town by parading the most ingenious Christmas-inspired team name in the Universe!

Below, we have listed our most-loved creative recommendations for you to pick from, so let us get going:

  1. The Winterfell Lads – This Game of Thrones-inspired team name is sure to leave everyone cheering for you.
  2. The Christmas Carolers – We love this team name for a group of gifted singers.
  3. Rowdy Rudolphs – A classic team name for a group of high-spirited people, inspired by Santa’s reindeer.
  4. TREEmendous Players – When wherever you go, you are sure to win the game!
  5. The Wild Stallions – Watch out! A team name for a group of boys who are anything but tamable.
  6. December To Remember – Indeed a creative team name to reminisce the enjoyment of the holiday season.
  7. Christmas Knights – Whether it’s dumb charades or beer pong, this group is always up and kicking.
  8. Red Posse – For a group of people who take the all-red dress code pretty seriously.
  9. Gossipping Angels – When there are two things you are great at; winning the game and gossipping.
  10. Mighty Candy Canes – In case you happen to be a member of the tall people league.
  11. The Sugar Rush Elves – An eccentric Christmas team name for a group of people who are always high on energy.
  12. The Disco Divas – If there was a dance competition, they’d be winning.


Clever Christmas Team Names

Every party has a special team that is too brilliant to be given a simple title. Moreover, there are teams that are always on the lookout for clever wordplays that help create the perfect fun element to bring life to the party.

If you happen to be one of the kind, then put all your worries at rest! In this section, we have come up with a round-up of the smartest Christmas team names for you and your pals.

So, read on to choose the one that intrigues you the most:

  1. Hanukkah Hulks – If Christmas isn’t the only reason you are celebrating, then go for this one.
  2. Mistletoe And Win – After all, the taste of victory seems even sweeter during the holidays.
  3. Rooftop Rebels – Because when you win, they hear you shouting from rooftops.
  4. Crew Of Carolers – Yet another stupendously awesome team name for a Karaoke night.
  5. Can’t Help With Our Elves – In case every other person in the room is rooting for your team, that’s what you say.
  6. Fa La La Fam – An appropriate Christmas-inspired title for a family that is as wacky as the team name.
  7. Jingle Belles – A wonderful and clever team name for a group of girls that make the perfect concoction of beauty with brains!
  8. Sleigh Whaaaaat? – The mother of all clever team names for your crew!
  9. Naughty Nutcrackers – Because, what’s Christmas without a little bit of fun?
  10. Holly Jolly Heroes – For a group of friends who always enliven the space with their lovable antics.
  11. The Christmas Miracle – If you are sure about one miracle this Christmas; that is your team winning the game like a pro!
  12. Naughty And Nice – Well, they do hand in hand, and what’s one without the other. Isn’t it?
  13. Winter Warlocks – A subtle way to tell your opponents that the war is on!


Dirty/Inappropriate Christmas Team Names

The most common link between all the great Christmas parties is that you will always find one boozer who is insanely sloshed after chugging umpteen pints of beers and doesn’t mind cracking the dirtiest jokes you can possibly imagine.

Despite all its weirdness, truth be told, every epic gala event is incomplete without a little (read: a lot) inappropriate fun!

If you wish to do your part and leave your friends laughing hysterically with how crazy the night can get, then scroll through our list to check out some of the dirtiest Christmas team name ideas:

  1. Pantyhose – It sounds like Santa Claus, doesn’t it?
  2. The Maids A Milkin’ – This has to be one of our favorites.
  3. The Naughty A-Listers – Quite an appropriate team name for a bunch of freaks on the loose.
  4. The Red Hose Reindeers – We know you’re always keen to get in there, so why not name your team after it!
  5. Jingled Balls – A dirty Christmas team name for a gang that is all set to jingle and tingle their opponents’ balls with their game.
  6. The Pregnant Virgins – Ever heard of Virgin Mary?
  7. Festivus F@*kers – For a group of friends who are on an altogether new kind of high during the holiday season.
  8. Dashing Through The Hoes – When your winning streak is on an all-time roll, all the hoes around you gotta stroll!
  9. Merry Queefmas – In case you are secretly hoping to hear another sound aside from your regular Christmas carols.


Office Christmas Team Names

Up until now, enjoying Christmas in all its glory seems limited to only the confines of our home, with friends and family. However, who says you cannot get the buzz, be footloose and fancy-free with your co-workers in the office?

If you have an office Christmas party lined up on your schedule, then you are probably looking for a decent team name that is just in sync with the vibe.

Check out some of our all-time favorite recommendations for you to choose from:

  1. The Fruitcakes – After all, what is a Christmas party without a fruitcake?
  2. The Work-a-Frolics – Don’t underestimate these nerds. They can be pretty fun when need be!
  3. Retail Slave Elves – In case you happen to be a part of the retail branch.
  4. The Raunchy Reign Deers – Come what may, they always win. You see it in the “reign” in their name!
  5. The Noel It Alls – A wonderful Christmas team name for an office quiz.
  6. TREEmendous Three – Probably the best team title there will ever be for a group of three.
  7. The Mistletoes – This evergreen team name is culled by a plant that never sheds its leaves.
  8. We Match – For a group of co-workers who are always in sync, and believe in teamwork!
  9. X-Mas X-citers – Use this Christmas-inspired team name if you always find a way to bring life to a mundane office party.
  10. Holiday Hooplas – Because there is no limit to getting as quirky as you want when it comes to choosing a name for your team.


Witty Christmas Team Names

In today’s time, an unmatchable wit is truly a gift, and if you are blessed with such a demeanor, then ain’t no harm in flaunting it wherever you go!

If a super thrilling Christmas party is close at hand and you need a fitting team name that perfectly showcases your excellent sense of humor, then we are here to your rescue!

Below is your reward for being a witty wizard, with some of the greatest team name recommendations to choose from:

  1. Jingle Bell Rockout – A thoughtful Christmas team name for a group of people who are always on a roll.
  2. The ChristMESS Makers – In case you and your gang happens to be the mischievous ones in your social circle.
  3. Eggnog Enthusiasts – After all, what’s a traditional Christmas without eggnog?
  4. Grinch Gang – What’s the point of Christmas without Grinch?
  5. Game Sleigher – Read: Game Slayer.
  6. The ChristMassive Gang – An ideal team name for a gang with many people.
  7. Mistletoe-tally Rad – The only Christmas team name you’ll ever need to steal the spotlight. Believe us.
  8. Always Upto Snow Good – We love this pun for a group that takes their competition very seriously.
  9. Claus, We Said So – When you say you’ll win, they listen.
  10. Truth Or Deer – One hell of a team name for mighty daredevils who have got nothing to hide.
  11. The Claus Commune – And Santa, your leader.
  12. Ready. Set. Glow. – A wonderful Christmas team name for a gang that dazzles at every step.
  13. Tree’s A Crowd – The perfect team name for a dynamic duo who make a wonderful pair.


Have You Found The One Yet?

Picking the perfect name for your team is important, especially when it’s Christmas! It’s that time of the year when the holiday fever begins to kick in, and yet, everyone around you seems to be pretty crushed for time.

This is why, choosing a catchy team title sounds like a great idea, for it can definitely do wonders. In fact, it is the perfect way to grab your friends’ attention and set foot inside their cramped calendars and social lives.

We hope that our attempt at lending you a hand by gathering over 80 adorable Christmas team names has led you a step closer to the one that resonates with you and your crew. From Santa Claus to candy canes, our list brims with some of the most sought-after symbols of Xmas, making them absolutely perfect for any Christmas-themed event.

Don’t panic if you are still unclear about which team name to go for, because we ain’t leaving you hanging! You can always bring great cheer by curating your personalized team name with the help of our pro tips.

One, seeking inspiration from Christmas hymns and songs always works like a charm. Whether the song is taken from your favorite holiday movie that takes you back to childhood or any traditional melody that your folks used to sing with you, you have a deluge of phrases to select from.

Second, it’s all about collective effort, so another fruitful idea might be to simply combine the initials of your friends and brainstorm unique ways to form a Christmassy phrase.

Brownie points for adding festive expressions, like “tinsel,” “gleam,” or “cheer.” Lastly, one just can’t get enough of puns, so you can also evoke the festive cheer by documenting your craziest Christmas memories, thereby bringing up a laughable team name!

No matter what game your group is aiming to play, in the end, it’s always about letting loose and having fun. Cherish the upcoming season with an adorable name that induces heartwarming feelings for your loved ones, and spread oodles of holiday joy!

Good luck!

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